1. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/mobile-tech
  2. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/before-hiring-an-app-developer,-ask-these-questions/
4/8/2013 12:29:56 PM
Before hiring an app developer, ask these questions
App Developer Magazine
Before hiring an app developer, ask these questions

Mobile Tech

Before hiring an app developer, ask these questions

Monday, April 8, 2013

Richard Harris Richard Harris

Finding a good programmer to develop your mobile app can be a challenge. We encounter stories all the time of outsourced app development that quickly turns into a nightmare because of hiring the wrong person to do the job. There are alot of phony app developers out there just waiting to get the chance to "sell" you on their ability. But before you leap into making a contract with them, here are some questions you should ask them first.
  1. Can I see your portfolio of apps you've created?
  2. Can you share any client's names and contacts with me for references?
  3. What kind of smartphone do you use?
  4. How can my app make money?
  5. How will we see the progress of the app build?
  6. What special features of my app can you help me with?
  7. How do you test app builds, and what about QA?
  8. Who will submit my app to the app stores?
  9. What are your fees and payment terms?

Read more: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/226270

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